Saturday 17 July 2010

The New Shoes

Someone invited me to a meeting hosting by a Healer, he was in town, young and monk-like. There was nothing to loose, it was a dream, there was benevolence in the air, and the only bad thing I could think about this people inviting me was: inoffensive nuters. If it does not work, I will just be polite and leave when they finished the meeting. (or wake up before) I went trough the door and he was there, shinny eyes, dark skin, relaxed shoulders big friendly smile.
-Hello! Welcome.. (and he called me by my name, this was a bit funny, they could have told him I was coming or he somehow knew, I also knew his name, as the person that invited me told me so)
-Hello xxxx!- I replied with confidence-
As he was waving his arm in a welcoming direction he looked at my feet – Oh! you do not have the right kind of shoes for today, you will need (such and such)-
My shoes were pretty close to his description, which was a shame, I though. Instinctively I decided to play the game. I felt they wanted me to go inside but there was this little difficulty or interference- I have a pair of those, so that will be no problem, I will be back in a short period of time!- I did have a pair of those but when I was saying that it did not struck me where did I have them, in the dream did I have a home with stuff in it? I probably needed to wake up. He was quick in the reply, almost ignoring me playing a game. – Oh! no that will not be necessary I have a pair right here that you can use.
We sit at the entrance hall of where the meeting was happening. He magically made appear the shoes, let me help you he said, he touch my left foot in order to take my shoe off and put the one of the right kind for the meeting. He began talking
-Ah! You think is your fault the loneliness you have created around you, do not worry, you need to work with what is given to you. (He struck a chord in me, I was already amazed by the simplicity of the truth he put in front of me)
He paused for a little moment and exalted as if my foot has told him something embarrassing, he laughed- That thing that you do to your body! – I knew what he meant and he made it sound less bad, just silly- what you need is this ones! – and he gave me a bag of lots of little white things- You will be fine with this.
mmm... You think you are a strong drinker and that you can deal with it. That is not forever and you do not have more time of that.
Right after as I was trying to acknowledge the recipe I was given, which felt awfully right although it did not contained any specific instruction- He concluded the meeting with- Come back in 8 moons time and we will take it from there.
I left with my new shoes and headed to the supermarket, but that was a less instructive part of the dream. 8 Dreams moons time...

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