Saturday 24 July 2010

Inside Us

Before the transition, The Light was making us prisoners of the circumstances, we received and generated in accordance with our life experience, we were reaching high and falling low, comparing, wanting and pretending to choose. We build decent prisons for our petty existences, and although potentially the door of the cell was always open, we would rather stay in. There were always groups explaining in different traditions about the way to freedom. This was always a false hope in the sense that the conditions were not created for the true release. With the approximation of the second star, the conditions were there, available, habit killed a few of us, staying inside with this amount of light was not only impossible but suicidal, During the transition the catastrophe occurred, it began slowly, there was some benevolence in the air as the plants were greener, disease was healed, the climate was balanced and there was abundance and an equilibrium, there was a feeling in the air of union, the planet was together and differences between regions vanished from the psyche of individuals. It felt like one of those planetarian competition games of regions, a sense of brotherhood. As the star came closer, the end of the planet as we knew it began. As the tank was filling up with light all was good, when the accumulated fuel ignited was when it happened. The catastrophe was not like always pictured in premonitions, earth opening, oceans inundating, whole regions in fire and whole regions in covered by ice. The catastrophe was inside, the prison broke apart, our perception cracked, a sea of light illuminated our shadows. It felt like being dying of thirst and being struck by a massive wave of clean sweet water, trying to hold some water with the hand, slipping trough the fingers. The realisation of the wasted time unable to take the bless of abundance.
The catastrophe was inside us, as it always has been.

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