Tuesday 6 July 2010

Instruction from the other side

Wake up. Still in the dream. The part of me that works as conscience, realized that I was dreaming. Still inside a bridge to bring the Team Consciousness, a tube with the other part, opens the way for this quality to be present in the dream. Usual kind of situation (for a dream state) similar surroundings, very familiar actually, a mixture of entities with characteristics of present life and past life, maybe from the future as well, obviously I cannot tell as this is happening now. Until that point I was identified with an important task to be achieved, struggling with irrational details to get right, the more I think about this now I can see that this how our "normal"everyday life will look for a visitor. Something click, and I am there... awake. The more I look into things the more they blur, the more I look for details I confront the limits of my interpretation, for this reason, is hard to stay on top of things. Suddenly I remember the instruction. "As soon as it changes, fades and blur...change your focus to a new element and hang on till you have to change again."
I do this with many elements, one by one as a whole, I feel that every moment I am being taken away and away from the original position where this started. I am a tourist in this new world
, the locals feel my presence, may be as some kind of wind, energy around them, probably part of their natural world, I am not acknowledged as a conscious entity, I feel they do turn, may be I generate some noise. The last element I hook into is some kind of transport that is passing by in front of me, is quickly going away, I focus on it and decided i will not loose it. I cannot move in traditional terms, there is no physical movement, just intention, intention coming from the solar plexus, decide to follow and when I stretch my hand I am almost immediately there behind this transport, I am zoom in to the back of it, and my arm or equivalent looks into it, as If i was riding a bike, grabbing a bus, I hold in there and see the entities inside, they are involved in some kind of conversation, some turn to me, I am some sort of light intrusion.
I blur and fade. Go back to the other side of the tube where my consciousness is mostly held this days. Immediately I realize that no-one on this side of the border, has given me that instruction. This surprise me for a moment, then I let go, obviously I am getting instruction from the other side and I just simply cannot take it back to ordinary awareness.

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