Thursday, 29 July 2010

The Trace of Meaning

Many got lost in the transition with this new feature. As childs with no sense for so long we suddenly had to much. The change in the alignment implied that we could trace meaning infinitely back. Everything you did was meant to be now, it was your way to the present. We could travel all our life it seems, finding the cause of things, finding the cause of the cause, and so on. Did they really got lost in the trace of meaning? The groups decided during the trasition that a group of wayters should travel in the search of the origin of the origin. Once decided there was not much to do, a few goodbyes, we knew this was the last time we would see each other, a journey to the infinite. with time and as the lights where getting closer to us we realize that the patterns of the big stars approaching had a resemblance with those of the wayters that left in the search of the origin. As all of the group realized this, the future became present, the wayters where back with us, much changed, almost unrecognizable.-We had to change- They told us - We have seen the origin-, but they kept traveling because there was more, they saw that there were things creating the origin. They found us. All what they learnt was available and we could now trace the meaning into the future.

Sunday, 25 July 2010


As we learned how to tweak the material world, we began to tune the planet, adjusting the light to blend in harmony, the sounds to gate and resonate, walking the planet was a symphony, traveling developed from the music trail, you would follow a person because you could see the tuning they did on its way, the material world began to react to us, to accommodate and welcome, interact. In the night you could listen the planet breath and resonate, with sparks and drones of the tuned Light.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Inside Us

Before the transition, The Light was making us prisoners of the circumstances, we received and generated in accordance with our life experience, we were reaching high and falling low, comparing, wanting and pretending to choose. We build decent prisons for our petty existences, and although potentially the door of the cell was always open, we would rather stay in. There were always groups explaining in different traditions about the way to freedom. This was always a false hope in the sense that the conditions were not created for the true release. With the approximation of the second star, the conditions were there, available, habit killed a few of us, staying inside with this amount of light was not only impossible but suicidal, During the transition the catastrophe occurred, it began slowly, there was some benevolence in the air as the plants were greener, disease was healed, the climate was balanced and there was abundance and an equilibrium, there was a feeling in the air of union, the planet was together and differences between regions vanished from the psyche of individuals. It felt like one of those planetarian competition games of regions, a sense of brotherhood. As the star came closer, the end of the planet as we knew it began. As the tank was filling up with light all was good, when the accumulated fuel ignited was when it happened. The catastrophe was not like always pictured in premonitions, earth opening, oceans inundating, whole regions in fire and whole regions in covered by ice. The catastrophe was inside, the prison broke apart, our perception cracked, a sea of light illuminated our shadows. It felt like being dying of thirst and being struck by a massive wave of clean sweet water, trying to hold some water with the hand, slipping trough the fingers. The realisation of the wasted time unable to take the bless of abundance.
The catastrophe was inside us, as it always has been.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

The Spacecraft (Soundcraft) that takes you Always Home

It was made for two. To take the two of us. We have already practiced some moves in the previous project with her. We had played mobile and the sound was taking us into places. We found a way of transportation. As we built this programming we lost the original force and I lost her for the first time, but that is another story. I realise that direction was important and the new project was specifically designed to Take you Home, wherever you were. This was assuring a back to base, in case of emergency. The seed for next one was there and a new mischief partner fulfilled the role. We were due to travel Always Home with our sounds, the new one had also experience in duo flying, it was a transition from her, trough a sister, a great pilot with less emotion and baggage involved with me. We had the right amount of experience. And we built this Soundcraft. Our flying sequence was:
Sonreir (Smile) – Cucu (Greeting) – Brava (Courage) – Our Flag (Statement) – Sunboy (powerforce) – Abdication (Let Go) – Princesita (Little princess) – Susurra (whisper) – Cold Stones (Remember the Loss) – The Joyfull Day Of My Life (Extra Fuel) – My Friend and the Saw (The unnecessary) - Carriage (Our cristal) – Orange Eye (Receive Life) – Sueno (Dream) – Mother Called (Direction) – The right One (Decision) – Limited Stay (Sense of Urgency).
We flown successful missions. We Always arrived Home. This was the preparation and transition for the next project. Now that I knew I could fly Always Home if needed, I began an expedition to all the places possible in this ship, she did not need to travel with me and she stayed home, I got a new co-pilot for the exploration, he was pretty much the main pilot and he jump into the ship with confidence and unattached. We shoot out in many directions and visit amazing places, travel in a condensed time... but that is another story.

The New Shoes

Someone invited me to a meeting hosting by a Healer, he was in town, young and monk-like. There was nothing to loose, it was a dream, there was benevolence in the air, and the only bad thing I could think about this people inviting me was: inoffensive nuters. If it does not work, I will just be polite and leave when they finished the meeting. (or wake up before) I went trough the door and he was there, shinny eyes, dark skin, relaxed shoulders big friendly smile.
-Hello! Welcome.. (and he called me by my name, this was a bit funny, they could have told him I was coming or he somehow knew, I also knew his name, as the person that invited me told me so)
-Hello xxxx!- I replied with confidence-
As he was waving his arm in a welcoming direction he looked at my feet – Oh! you do not have the right kind of shoes for today, you will need (such and such)-
My shoes were pretty close to his description, which was a shame, I though. Instinctively I decided to play the game. I felt they wanted me to go inside but there was this little difficulty or interference- I have a pair of those, so that will be no problem, I will be back in a short period of time!- I did have a pair of those but when I was saying that it did not struck me where did I have them, in the dream did I have a home with stuff in it? I probably needed to wake up. He was quick in the reply, almost ignoring me playing a game. – Oh! no that will not be necessary I have a pair right here that you can use.
We sit at the entrance hall of where the meeting was happening. He magically made appear the shoes, let me help you he said, he touch my left foot in order to take my shoe off and put the one of the right kind for the meeting. He began talking
-Ah! You think is your fault the loneliness you have created around you, do not worry, you need to work with what is given to you. (He struck a chord in me, I was already amazed by the simplicity of the truth he put in front of me)
He paused for a little moment and exalted as if my foot has told him something embarrassing, he laughed- That thing that you do to your body! – I knew what he meant and he made it sound less bad, just silly- what you need is this ones! – and he gave me a bag of lots of little white things- You will be fine with this.
mmm... You think you are a strong drinker and that you can deal with it. That is not forever and you do not have more time of that.
Right after as I was trying to acknowledge the recipe I was given, which felt awfully right although it did not contained any specific instruction- He concluded the meeting with- Come back in 8 moons time and we will take it from there.
I left with my new shoes and headed to the supermarket, but that was a less instructive part of the dream. 8 Dreams moons time...

Thursday, 15 July 2010

The Loss

And we Lost many. Some tears in our cheeks. Sooner or later we do remember them again. Misfortune and Life living itself, you gain... you lose... The seed of change falls in hole, deep, without end, to germinate, in between the worlds, the loss is the filter of the light, an attractor of lights, lights to show the shadows, our dark sides. I lost her many times, and many times she showed up in my dreams, negotiating her exit, giving the reason of the fall, I wish I leave but I already left. We worked with this in the transition, there is no further till we let go. So many more got lost in the beginning, in the transition we tried things, we follow leads, innocent at this benevolent force we were receiving, but the force has no language, and cannot control the medium, materials limit, our thought misunderstand, our interpretation of the force took us to our own places, and those who where lost transform and decay to be just part of the way. The wayters step on the lost ones, no bad intention, just the path.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

The Only Story

As a preparation for growing up, we have been told the same story, over and over again, and we have wondered and learn to accept the understanding about life. Like a fairy tale for children. Building the understanding for the future. We though that good and evil was within us, and that we could change things, but there was no such a thing, the story told over the centuries was meant to prepare and crystallize this breed of creatures that we are and to prepare when Light will become available again, the history is a dark shadow weight over our spring, gathering momentum for the release and further jump to the outside of the seed.

Family Reunion

Los Hijos de Sol. We are the sons of the Sun. An arm in flame gave us life. A solar storm as they used to call it. As soon as transportation was available throughout the planet, I did a few trips to visit my family in other lands, where I was born, the place I left in the search of The Lights, I did not know why at that time, I knew there was a search and an urge. The awake and the sleep times have blur somehow, both are more conscious and colorful. What are we doing for rest now? We just look inside ourselves, at our core an stop everything, inner and outer impulses, we watch them until they stop, we regain the clarity and we move to the next task. There is much to prepare, we are getting ready, we are clearing the way, between this work, I often travel to visit my family. Hold hands. It is part of the preparation as we are meeting with our fathers family. The other lights that breakout in the sky sometime ago, are approaching and we are preparing for the gathering.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Instruction from the other side

Wake up. Still in the dream. The part of me that works as conscience, realized that I was dreaming. Still inside a bridge to bring the Team Consciousness, a tube with the other part, opens the way for this quality to be present in the dream. Usual kind of situation (for a dream state) similar surroundings, very familiar actually, a mixture of entities with characteristics of present life and past life, maybe from the future as well, obviously I cannot tell as this is happening now. Until that point I was identified with an important task to be achieved, struggling with irrational details to get right, the more I think about this now I can see that this how our "normal"everyday life will look for a visitor. Something click, and I am there... awake. The more I look into things the more they blur, the more I look for details I confront the limits of my interpretation, for this reason, is hard to stay on top of things. Suddenly I remember the instruction. "As soon as it changes, fades and blur...change your focus to a new element and hang on till you have to change again."
I do this with many elements, one by one as a whole, I feel that every moment I am being taken away and away from the original position where this started. I am a tourist in this new world
, the locals feel my presence, may be as some kind of wind, energy around them, probably part of their natural world, I am not acknowledged as a conscious entity, I feel they do turn, may be I generate some noise. The last element I hook into is some kind of transport that is passing by in front of me, is quickly going away, I focus on it and decided i will not loose it. I cannot move in traditional terms, there is no physical movement, just intention, intention coming from the solar plexus, decide to follow and when I stretch my hand I am almost immediately there behind this transport, I am zoom in to the back of it, and my arm or equivalent looks into it, as If i was riding a bike, grabbing a bus, I hold in there and see the entities inside, they are involved in some kind of conversation, some turn to me, I am some sort of light intrusion.
I blur and fade. Go back to the other side of the tube where my consciousness is mostly held this days. Immediately I realize that no-one on this side of the border, has given me that instruction. This surprise me for a moment, then I let go, obviously I am getting instruction from the other side and I just simply cannot take it back to ordinary awareness.

Monday, 5 July 2010



The Light appears always as the interaction that I have experienced with Her. She appeared in different names, places and times. Always generating the composites needed for the together creation of light. She is always the one, and she is always present. She brings the best of the past ones, and the seeds of the future ones. We generated light within us, when the light was not yet outside. We brought the light into being outside. We wish.


Things I remember. Things that happened. Things that I see will happen. Things that I dreamt and Things that I will dream. The present when is present. How I experience the light translated in a language I will not remember how to speak. From the future. From were the light is one. I come back in this fragments to explain what has happened and will be. Diaphanous trough the eye of the needle. Light into matter